Army National Guard Bureau

In 2009 and again in 2014, NGB contracted C.G. Celio & Sons Co. to provide PRIDE support services. The scope of work is organized into three main areas:
 Functional Requirements for Change Requests – Our team reviews change requests with the requestor to ensure valid business processes exist for the request and to map the entire process to be modeled in the software. We commonly also conduct the engineering assessment and implementation.
 Training and Communications – We develop all training materials for PRIDE including online help documents, classroom training materials, and web-based courses. We conduct recurring webinars using Defense Connect Online, host regional training classes at ARNG distance learning classrooms across the country, and coordinate all PRIDE training at the annual Facilities Management University.
 System Administration – Our company serves as the subject matter experts for PRIDE, working with ARNG-ILI staff, state users, ARNG-IMS Data Processing Center and other agencies on administration and interfacing with the PRIDE database. We support the PRIDE Program Manager in all aspects of PRIDE system management including system design, maintenance support, application development, and strategic visioning.

C.G. Celio & SonS, CO.